OUR CHURCHES are now open at specific times for Sunday services and for private prayer and are closed at all other times. The Diocese of Leeds has strongly advised that face coverings should be worn by all people attending a place of worship where there may be other people present. The latest advice can be found at www.leeds.anglican.org/covid-19
PCC meetings, Annual Parochial Church Meetings, Deanery Synods, etc are suspended. More information on the legalities of these to follow. The Bishop of Leeds intends to extend the period of office of current churchwardens or PCC members until at least 31 October 2020.
BAPTISMS - may be conducted with a limited number of attendees – in all cases observing hygiene and distancing advice. This advice may well change.
WEDDINGS - may be conducted with a limited number of attendees – in all cases observing hygiene and distancing advice. This advice may well change. Banns cannot currently be read, instead, a common licence should be applied for from the Registry.
FUNERALS - may be conducted with a limited number of attendees – in all cases observing hygiene and distancing advice. This advice may well change.
The Parish Office can be contacted on 01756 - 760237 and upperwharfedale@leeds.anglican.org
Praying at Home: keeping contact with God and the community
We all have to spend a good deal of time at home, sometimes on our own. As a community of prayer, we are never alone and collectively we can hold one another before God, challenge any encroaching sense of isolation and pray for the needs of the world.