Light Peace Thanksgiving [ for 45 minutes, usually every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, but please check the list of Services on the Home Page of this website for the most up-to-date information ]
Sanctuary@6 is a contemporary service drawing upon the ancient traditions of the Christian Church. It is quiet and meditative allowing space for reflection and prayer. Through simple music, visual media, candle light and fragrant incense, we come close to God in the sharing of the bread and wine.
LIGHT - the service begins with the lighting of the lamps of evening, surrounding us in candle light, symbolising the light of God in Jesus Christ, protecting us during the night ahead.
PEACE - in quiet reflection we offer to God our prayers of sorrow, hope and joy, asking for His grace, mercy & inspiration. Through contemplative film and music, we hear and digest the word of God from scripture.
THANKSGIVING - with reverent praise, we rejoice to be in God's presence by sharing in the sacrament of bread and wine; the heavenly banquet.